Thursday, October 1, 2009

TK reviews 'The Office The Promotion'

The Office 'The Promotion' Review

The Office is back and the beginnings are the best this season and today's was no exception. Love how Dwight went back and forth trying to get Michael and Jim to sign him expense reports. Cut to Dwight in the conference room telling us how he is going to put Jim in a triangle choke hold, it's all priceless!

James, Jim and Jimathy, is it ok if I call you Jim? Romantic birdhouse, donuts and pregnancy

So let the power struggle begin am I right? Now that Jim has become Co-manager with Michael things are heating up at Dunder Mifflin. Speaking of which how is it that Jim has an office all of a sudden in the corner? I don't' remember ever seeing that before, but anyways. Michael has been having a lot of conference room meetings and Jim is seeing that as nothing more then a waste of time so confronts Michael to stop the meetings. Clearly this upsets Michael and what is he doing later on in the day, having a closed door office meeting where Jim and him butt heads again.

David Wallace calls the Scranton branch and informs the two co-managers that there isn't enough money this year for everyone to get raises and then it is up to them two to figure out how to divide the money up properly. So of course Michael lets his frustration show and hates the fact that he has to do this with Jim and not by himself.

Pam is having a hard time deciding on her eating habits as we see her staring at a box of donuts. On one hand she is pregnant and on the other hand is trying to lose weight to fit into her wedding dress. Phyllis reveals to us that she is going to give them a romantic birdhouse and even asks Pam if she registered for a birdhouse online. Of course not. Kevin approaches our Pam and asks where they registered and she lets him know that they didn't register anywhere and that they just want cash. Kevin asks 'Money?' And he writes them a check and he makes out to Mrs. Pam Halpert and Pam freaks out because she has never seen it written out before.

Back in the conference room, Michael and Jim gather to figure out what to do with the money. Jim who has a good idea comes up with a pro/con list about all the possibilities of how to deal with this issue, while Michael just rambles on and just upsets Jim. Finally Jim just lets it all out and tells Michael he isn't good at handling tough situations and that he may actually know what he is doing and that is why he was put into this situation, to help with serious problems. So Jim who thinks the money should go to the sales team unveils his plan to the office people and an outrage ensues. The accounting department led by Oscar and Angela just complain and ultimately forces Jim to do a little rewind and come up with a new idea.

Love the conference room meeting with the team and how Creed just says yeah, while the rest explain their anger. Back in the meeting, Michael says a merit system could work and so they come up with a way to figure out how to come up with a way to disperse the money by putting jelly beans on the picture of the person they think deserves it. And we see a picture of some weird looking creature, who Michael tells us is Toby. So as they begin, they have to leave to go answer an email from Wallace and thus enter Dwight who causes another uproar and questions Jim's authority and power as a co-manager and tries to cause a mutiny but of course no one goes with him.

Michael kind of breaks down a little bit and tells Jim that he always used to have to make these decisions alone and offers Jim a present- world's best boss mug. Filled not with coffee but with gin, so what a nice present right? So no resolution tonight but yeah that's the office politics for you.

Best line of the night: Creed- Why haven't we ever... Meredith- we have.

Random thoughts: was interesting to see how both Michael and Jim interacted as Co-Managers and should be quite interesting to see how the two work together here on out. Love how the staff just continues to uprise and voice their outrage and you just know something is going to happen sometime soon.

Loved the ending with Ryan and Pam, and the $100 now or $5000 a year from now.

Solid episode in general and who cares cause the WEDDING IS NEXT WEEK! AND IT'S AN HOUR EPISODE!

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