Monday, September 28, 2009

TK reviews 'Heroes Ink'

Heroes Ink Recap:

Alright my friends it's time for a new installment of Heroes, so without further a due, let's do a little rewind.

The show starts off tonight with Samuel and Lydia in a trailer, with Samuel discussing he may have found someone to replace his departed brother Joseph. And it's none other then Peter Petrelli. We also see Samuel manipulate a jar of ink and he absorbs it through his hand and while Lydia tells Sam she can see whatever it is he wants to see, he says back that this liquid isn't for her, so hmmm interesting.

We also see a mysterious new character who I suppose has some sort of power and has like her whole bed shaken when her alarm clock goes off, to wake her up, so that was kind of odd.

Matt and his partner are sitting outside their suspects house and Parkman admits to his partner that he used again and is no longer sober. (Used his power last episode to ward off the repair guy). Mean while he is having a more difficult time controlling Sylar who is now fully embedded in Parkman's brain. They break into the house and Sylar is everywhere but also helps Matt capture the guy by telling him he is in the closet.

As Parkman and his partner continue to search the house Sylar continues to play mind games with Parkman just tempting him to use his abilities to crack the case instead of wasting time, but Parkman refuses to give in. As Parkman goes into the bathroom to search for evidence, Sylar offers up one of the best lines in the show's history, 'it's because I ooze charm.' Sylar continues to point Matt on the right track and we discover that this house could be something more serious then just a place for hiding drugs.

Matt discovers a ransom letter and a pink stuffed rabbit and once again uses his powers to question the suspect and he unveils that the girl is hiding under the stairs. He finds a girl but he is too late as the girl is dead. He starts beating the suspect until his partner comes back and Matt explains how he murdered the young girl. His partner goes to the stair case and sees that there isn't a girl or a ransom letter and we see Sylar explain that he used Parkman's power against him.

Parkman is in serious trouble as he is going to be in trouble but uses his power to tell his partner that nothing happened here and that everything is fine. Sylar tells Matt he is proud of him and tells him that they should go find his body.

Peter runs into our mystery lady back at the hospital as he asks to see a patient's records, one in which he saved. We see her listening to her iPod but it isn't plugged into anything and Peter notices it also. The mystery woman knocks over her cup of coffee and a spark of red or something is emitted and the two just kind of look at each other before Peter goes to visit the patient who is Samuel. We learn that the mysterious woman is Emma. She is deaf and is able to see/hear sounds as colors and that she doesn't want people to know she is deaf.

The two meet but Peter is suspicious at first because he can't remember saving him off that bus that one night but Samuel assures Peter that it was him. He goes on about how it's his responsibility to look after his family since Joseph died and needs Peter's help because he knows what Peter is going through and how fast he is. He doesn't' want to let anything bad happen to his family on his watch and makes a plea for Peter to help him.

It turns out that Peter is being sued by William Hooper (Samuel) and Samuel even breaks into Peter's apartment and using his ink touch power thing, puts himself into the picture hanging on Peter's wall and Peter comes home and clearly sees that he was at the scene of the accident. Peter catches up to Samuel in the park somewhere where the two engage in a conversation about the loss of his brother Joseph. Peter and Samuel have a handshake which I'm sure will turn out to be significant. Also at the park is Emma who is sitting watching a man play an instrument and she can see the colors being let off by it. She starts playing it and several bright colors are released as she plays. As she draws to the end Peter is back watching her play but she runs off when she's done.

Back at the college scene, Noah stops by and asks Claire out for lunch but the annoying Gretchen who saw Claire last episode throw herself from her window is accompanying them also. Gretchen makes the lunch scene a bit uncomfortable as she says things that makes Noah raise an eyebrow or two and gives Claire an interesting look to say the least. Noah wants to call the Haitian to have her erase Gretchen's memory but Claire says she can fight her own battles and doesn't need her fathers help. After dinner Claire and Gretchen start to open up to one another, because Claire is tired of keeping secrets all to herself. Claire ultimately tells Gretchen she has an ability and even shows Gretchen her ability to heal.

Peter is called to a job and it's the house that Samuel visited and we see that the house is completely gone and it fell into a sink hole. Peter's compass tattoo starts going crazy as well with Samuel overlooking him.

Overall, the episode was pretty solid this week. I continue to love the Sylar/Parkman story line but as a traditional Heroes fan I want Sylar to get his body back and wreak havoc.


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