Monday, September 21, 2009

Finally, the time has arrived: 'HEROES' is back.

Hello yet again, fans of my tidbits.

I am so excited for the 2 hour, yes 2 hour season premiere of 'Heroes' tonight you have no idea. The sad thing is I work tonight till 9 which means I'll not be watching it live but I get to watch it through my trusty DVR which means no commercials, oh yeah! As I did last year I did review the show on a weekly basis and you can bet your ass I'll be reviewing my show again this year.

'Heroes' is under my microscope this year because as a die hard fan of the show which I am and will remain until it is no longer on NBC, the show has suffered since it's historic first season. With ups and downs almost every week and the back and forth story lines that our characters go through, it's hard to sometimes see where the show actually is heading. But with Bryan Fuller, the recently departed Fuller, (sorry left the show, isn't dead) who had a hand in the season's first 5-6 episodes, I hope that this season gets back to it's beginnings and takes us on a kick ass story.

With the trailers all over the web this season does look to be getting back to focusing on characters and introducing us to a new cycle of villains, known as the circus. At least that's what I call them. There are about 5-6 new main characters added so I just hope the show does a good job balancing everyone out and not going all over the map. The show can be good scratch that great at times and I just hope that with a shortened order season, only 18 episodes this season instead of the usual 24, Tim Kring, the creator gets back to what made Heroes so awesome in the beginning.

So check back late, late tonight as I'll definitely post my season premiere recap after I get done watching it.


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