Friday, September 18, 2009

TK reviews The Office 'Gossip' Season Premiere

Well it's back my friends, the review that all of you told me you loved last year, so here's to my second year of reviewing my favorite show on TV- The Office.

God it's been a long time since The Office has been on and a lot has happened to our Dunder Mifflin workers. For starters, the rumors and gossip was proven to be true as yes Jim and Pam are pregnant but the way the rest of the staff learns is quite interesting if you ask me.

Gossip, the title of tonight's episode shows Michael being left out of the gossip that revolves around some of the new interns. So of course Michael doesn't like being left out of anything including poo ball, who knew that wasn't real, apparently not him! So what does Michael do to get involved and be noticed? He starts spreading completely outrageous rumors about all the staff. Most notably, Dwight's manure, a little person living inside Kevin controlling him, and my favorite theme of the night- Andy being gay?

God how awesome is Ed Helms as Andy Bernard. He plays that character so well it's ridiculous. But the biggest news of the premiere is that our beloved Stanley Hudson is having an affair, yes the laid back quiet Stanley is cheating on his wife with his nurse Cynthia. Of course it all starts out as untrue until Michael confronts Stanley where he unveils to him and us that it is indeed true. So that is kind of shocking to see how one of the most beloved characters on the show is actually cheating on his wife, cause she has been doing a lot of travelling and is lonely at home but is actually in the car going to call it off with her.

Overall, loved the season premiere. There were a lot of laughs and I loved how they incorporated the interns into the end of the episode as well. The Jet Li part was priceless because Michael Scott will call you that all summer long. And a ream of paper is 300 pages, wait it's 500 pages, well I guess I learned nothing this summer.

Well I learned that the season premiere of The Office has set the bar high this season and I only will continue to expect great things from this show as the season unfolds.

TK's take- 5/5 stars, laugh out loud funny.


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