Tuesday, September 15, 2009

TK rant on Taylor Swift vs Kanye West

Well you all knew it was coming and I just have to rant about this whole little ordeal. So there I was watching the absolutely dreadful VMA 09 Awards. I mean how far has this show fallen? Russell Brand as host for the second year in a row? What is his appeal exactly? The man isn't funny and just looks obnoxious. MTV out of all the personalities out there, this is who you choose to host one of your biggest nights of the year? Give me a break here...

So back to the evening shall we? For best female video you had all the heavyweights in the category including Beyonce, Lady GaGa and of course Taylor Swift, who to me just doesn't belong on this show because I think she is more talented than any other so called artist on this show. So when her name is announced I was like holy crap, this young country girl is taking over the MTV Universe with this award. And just to think that I was excited for her, imagine how Taylor felt? She gets her speech going and you can see she is so happy and energetic up there to have won and then up comes this stupid lowlife piece of shit- Kanye West.

There are other words I'd use to describe him but for the sake of my readers I'll keep it PG-13. Talk about a low life, scumbag, self-absorbed piece of garbage. For him to go up there and interrupt Taylor's award time is just astonishing. To dare say how another artist who has nothing to do with you has one of the all time best videos in front of the winner is just shady. I loved the camera cut of Beyonce saying oh no not again. And loved it even more when the crowd booed that piece of shit.

I will applaud two people this night. First, Taylor Swift who had to go perform like ten minutes later and gave one hell of a performance of her current hit, 'You Belong With Me.' And second I must say I earned so much more respect for Beyonce. When she won the final award of the night and instead of thanking everyone she could of, she invited Taylor back on the stage to have her moment and I just think that's one of the greatest things I have ever seen on an award show, well I guess this isn't an award show as much as it is a joke!

So to Kanye West, I mean I despise everything about you. If today you were to get hit by a bus, is it kind of weird that I wouldn't care at all? I think you are lower then scum and don't care about anyone other then the person you see in the mirror. I ask you, maybe it's time to take a closer look at your life's priorities and take a step back and get yourself back down to reality because not only is Taylor more talented then you and successful currently, you're dangerously close to falling off the face of the map entirely.



  1. Re-watch him on Leno....maybe you'll change your hater ways!!

  2. i have seen him on leno and sorry nothing changes my view on him. he is acting insincere the whole time and is putting up a front, give me a break here angie!
