Saturday, June 20, 2009

TK reviews Year One

TK reviews 'Year One'

Well ladies and gents, another movie that I went into thinking, this should be funny but as it would turn out, the Gods just didn't deliver the laughs in this movie. You would ultimately think that the team of Jack Black and Michael Cera, both of whom I really like would kill it in this movie but neither truly ever take hold of the movie and make it turn into something that is worth mentioning.

Now while I will admit that there are a couple of funny lines in the movie the plot of the story ultimately just goes no where. You have two prehistoric guys in Zed and Oh (Black and Cera) who are banished from their tribe after Zed eats a fruit from the forbidden tree. So Oh tags along with him and the two set out on what is supposedly the first road trip ever and along the way must rescue the loves of their lives- Eema and Maya, both of whom are quite attractive
From there Zed and Oh come across two men, Cain and Abel played by David Cross and Paul Rudd but the talents of Rudd never amount to anything as he says I believe six or seven words.

Another reason why this movie doesn't do anything for me is because the movie utilizes too much of Cross, and I'm sorry but I am not a David Cross fan and just don't think he is funny.
The cameos by Hank Azaria go wasted as well, minus the whole foreskin clipping thing and the appearance by McLovin also falls flat as he barely says anything in the movie and doesn't really get much screen time in this picture. The highlight of the movie is the appearance of the high priest played wonderfully by Oliver Platt. His interaction with Michael Cera is so awkward and funny but other then that 'Year One' just falls flat on it's face.

I'm left disappointed because I am a huge fan of Jack Black and Michael Cera but whether or not the script just didn't really suite their styles or maybe these weren't the right roles for them remains to be seen, because this movie really offers nothing to those who will go and see it, myself included. The movie at times seems to drag and it's kind of a shame seeing that it's running time is only 100 minutes long.

Directed by Harold Ramis, I truly believe fans will be left scratching their heads after this one. For having two very funny men in the title roles, 'Year One' just never really gets rolling and tries to cram this giant story into one picture. Black and Cera play off each other at times quite well but then there are scenes where the whole thing just seems faked and redundant. If your of a younger age then this movie might just be right up your alley, but for those of you my age, then it's just going to seem as this movie is nothing more then a couple of childish fart jokes that now just seem to grow a bit stale and tiresome.

TK's rating- 2 out of 5 stars.


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