Wednesday, June 24, 2009

TK's Top 10 Female Hottie Countdown: Numbers 8 and 7

Ok so the first couple of ladies on this countdown got some interesting feedback from you guys. Some thoughts these ladies should have been higher while some didn't like my number 10 pick but hey it's my countdown and I'm going to do what I want. So enough of me talking and rambling, it's time for numbers 8 and 7 on TK's Top 10 Female Hottie Countdown.

Number 8- Jessica Biel

What else can you say about her other then drop dead sexy? This girl is stunningly gorgeous and oh yes she knows it. She is the total package wrapped into one stunning figure this girl is, and man it's hard not to stare. She has been on the screen a few times most notably in I Now Pronounce you chuck and Larry, and she was phenomenal in it. Well ok, maybe I'm exaggerating but she looked good doing it.

Especially the one scene in which she is wearing a cat costume at the Halloween party it all just works so well. She has one of the best smiles and just piercing eyes I've ever seen and oh yeah they will get you every time. She is a drop dead knockout who needs to start being realized for what she is a good actress. She has been relatively quiet over the last few years only doing a project here and there but I think it's time she comes out of her shell and shows the world just what she has. And oh yeah just how sexy she is also.

Number 7- Hayden Panettiere

Oh yeah, Save the cheerleader, save the world, I would jump through hell to save Hayden. What can I say, this girl has it all. From the sweet little girl who was obsessed with football in Remember the Titans to now kicking ass and the power to live forever in Heroes, Hayden P is taking off. Not only does she have the looks but the girl can act. She is headlining a summer movie this year in I Love You Beth Cooper but her looks, wow, that's what I'm talking about.

Her body is near perfection and her face, that's what gets at my heart every time I'm looking at her on screen or in pictures. The girl is flawless top to bottom and she just seems like such a down to earth girl who you could just hang out with and be yourself and I think that is kind of sexy, call me old fashion if you will but it works for this guy. She has the looks, the skills and a good head on her shoulders and I only expect her to continue to stay on the Hollywood scene for a while and for her to only get hotter as she gets older! Well done girl, well done!

So what do you guys think so far huh? Cuthbert, Scarlett, Hayden and now Jessica Biel. We have four spots down and six remain, but who will take over the crown as my Top Hottie? Only time will tell but I can assure you, it's going to get hotter as this list moves forward.

Oh yeah, the next two numbers won't be released until Friday, so please try and pace yourself my friends!



  1. after seeing 9 and 10 i was excited to see where this went. now i am excited to never look at this countdown again. these 2 over the last 2? come on, dog.

  2. come on dude have faith in me, this countdown is only getting started
